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Happiness & Engagement Scan

Employee engagement refers to the extent to which employees feel motivated, connected, and committed to their work and the organization they are a part of. Engaged employees are enthusiastic about their roles, take pride in their contributions, and are willing to go the extra mile to achieve organizational goals. They are emotionally invested in their work and often exhibit higher levels of productivity, creativity, and job satisfaction.

Employee happiness, on the other hand, pertains to the overall emotional well-being and contentment of employees within their work environment. It encompasses factors such as job satisfaction, work-life balance, positive relationships with colleagues and supervisors, a supportive work culture, and opportunities for personal and professional growth. When employees are happy, they are more likely to experience lower levels of stress, higher job performance, and greater loyalty to the organization.

Both employee engagement and happiness are crucial for organizational success, as they contribute to improved productivity, reduced turnover, enhanced creativity, and a positive workplace atmosphere. Organizations that prioritize these factors tend to foster a more motivated, productive, and satisfied workforce.

Measuring happiness & engagement

Happiness is a specific emotion that everyone experiences differently. What makes one person feel happy may be less relevant to another. So when an employee satisfaction survey simply asks how happy someone feels, you get an answer that can cover a variety of aspects. It is therefore important to use a good measurement scale to measure both positive and negative feelings, as well as engagement.

Drivers of happiness & engagement

Much scientific research has been done on the “drivers” behind happiness and engagement. By analyzing these drivers in relation to current work happiness and engagement, you can determine what factors your organization needs to work on to increase employee work happiness and engagement.

People within your organization may need to work on different drivers on different levels. Some teams may need to work on “psychological safety” while in another business unit, “meaning-based leadership” or “empowerment” may need attention. The Happiness & Engagement Scan shows you exactly where you need to work on which driver within the organization.

  • Organizational support: do employees feel that the organization supports their interests and needs?
Organizational support
  • Meaning-based leadership: Can the leader give meaning to strategy for the team by connecting it to values?
Meaning-based leadership
  • Opportunities for development: does employee experience opportunities for professional development?
Opportunities for development
  • Recognition: are efforts and achievements recognized in an explicit way?
  • Collegiate relationships: are colleagues there for each other or do they feel like they are alone?
Collegiate relationships
  • Empowering leadership: how much autonomy do employees have in their work? To what extent are they encouraged to follow their own judgment?
Empowering leadership

The benefits of happiness & engagement:

Employees who feel more engaged perform better. They are more creative, they are better able to solve problems, they are more motivated to learn, and they are more tenacious when faced with setbacks. More generally, with more heart for work, employees are more focused on delivering quality in their work, and higher-quality performance logically follows.

For example, extensive research at the Univeristy of Oxford found that employees who feel happy while performing their tasks are 13% more productive.

In addition, a great advantage of employees with heart for the organization is their increased loyalty. They are less likely to leave the organization, thus saving the organization the problems of high employee turnover.

Employees with more heart for the organization also behave more like “ambassadors” of the organization by positively highlighting the employer in contacts with people outside the organization.

The Happiness & Engagement Scan

Here’s what you can expect when we execute a Do Better Scan:

  • Flawless survey operation: You get the professional implementation of the Do Better Scan in your organization. We provide a smooth and service-oriented online survey, in a way where you don’t have to worry about anything.
  • Do Better Dashboards: You get crystal-clear and fine-grained insight into metrics and drivers in a simple and easy-to-read dashboard.
  • Systemic diagnosis and surgical precision: You find out what, according to the data, are the strongest drivers of are for the organization as a whole. This systemic diagnosis tells you exactly where to focus your improvement interventions.
  • Laser focused action perspective: In relation to measured outcomes, the Do Better Dashboard also shows measures of the critical drivers of vitality. In this way, each team learns how vital the organization as a whole is, what the systemic causes of this outcome are, and what actions are needed locally to contribute to a better outcome at the team level.

Want to learn how our approach can  help your organization? Then schedule a free demo. We’ll be happy to tell you about how we work, tooling and the impact you can make.

Example dashboard

The strength of our Do Better Scan lies in the combination of its scientific background and its simplicity. Teams have insight into improvement potential at a glance. The dashboard below gives an impression of the insights that can be shared at the team level.

Happiness & engagement

Next step

Curious about the details of the Do Better Scan Happiness & Engagement? Download the product sheet with more information.

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Do Better, Why & How

Better Company, Better Lives

Bij The Better Company gaan we uit van het hier en nu; wij hebben één planeet, één leven. Daarvan breng je veel van je tijd werkend door. Van die tijd moet je het beste maken, want wij geloven dat het beter kan en beter moet. Van mensen tot bedrijven, organisaties en de maatschappij. Waarbij het beter doen, een keuze is die we allemaal iedere dag kunnen maken. De wil om te veranderen en om vooruitstrevend te zijn. Misschien niet altijd de makkelijkste keuze, wel de beste.

Evidence-based veranderen

The Better Company helpt organisaties om de best mogelijke versie van zichzelf te worden door evidence-based te werken aan hun strategische veranderopgave. Objectieve en wetenschappelijk onderbouwde diagnoses vormen de basis voor het ontwikkelen van interventie strategieën met voorspelbare impact. Kortom, wij helpen jouw organisatie met het opzetten en uitvoeren van een datagedreven veranderbeweging om versnelling te brengen in het behalen van je doelstellingen. Dat doen we door een persoonlijke aanpak én een evidenced-based route. Zo wordt jouw organisatie succesvol en een voorbeeld voor anderen.

Mensen chefsache maken

De mensen, het menselijk kapitaal van de organisatie wordt nog vaak gezien als 'de zachte factor'. Maar in feite de enige factor die er werkelijk toe doet, een keiharde factor. Want het is niet een visie, ambitie of strategie die iets doet, het zijn de mensen die samen met elkaar iets doen. En het zijn juist die factoren op het gebied van leiderschap, gedrag en cultuur die vaak zo lastig te veranderen zijn. Waar het tegelijkertijd juist de factoren zijn die ervoor zorgen dat iets ook echt verandert in de praktijk en het daarmee je ambitie verwezenlijkt. Zonder de mensen is er niets en gebeurt er niets. De mensen behoren dus chefsache te zijn. En leiderschap, samenwerking, gedrag en cultuur de prioriteit van het topmanagement.

Gebruik van een bewezen methode

Om met voorspelbare zekerheid impact te maken werken wij met de Do Better Roadmap aanpak. Hierbij gaan diagnose en dialoog steeds vooraf aan design (van interventies) en development (ontwikkeling) van de organisatie. Zo ontstaat een proces waarin je doorlopend verbetert en je de organisatie steeds weer transformeert in een nog weer betere versie van zichzelf. Doordat we werken op basis van gevalideerde kennis die voortkomt uit wetenschappelijk onderzoek aan wereldwijd erkende topuniversiteiten, is dit een voorspelbare uitkomst. Je hoeft het dus alleen maar te willen.

Voor doen, samen doen, zelf doen

Het is de ambitie van The Better Company om tijdens de samenwerkingen onze aanpak en kennis zodanig te delen dat de interventieaanpak in de toekomst zelf kan worden toegepast en uitgerold. Zo wordt structurele afhankelijk van externe dienstverleners voorkomen. Wij bieden onze dienstverlening aan volgens het leerprincipe van ‘voordoen – samendoen – zelf doen’. The Better Company zal de nulmeting en alle daarmee samenhangende interventies voordoen. De effectmeting inclusief interventies na één jaar zal zij samendoen. Alle volgende effectmetingen met bijbehorende interventies kan je vervolgens zelf doen op basis van een door The Better Company te verstrekken licentie op ons platform.

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