In cooperation with Deloitte
Psychological safety is crucial to unleash the potential of a diverse group of people. When people feel safe to share thoughts and ideas, more creativity will emerge and better decisions can be taken. Luckily there is so much more awareness about the importance of psychological safety today compared to 10 years ago. But at the same time our society seems more polarized than ever. So what is the state of psychological safety? And what can we do to improve it?
Join this candid conversation on Psychological Safety with Daan van Knippenberg (The Better Company) and Anne-Barbara Lemmens (Deloitte).
- 00:00 – 03:33 Definition and importance of psychological safety.
- 03:33 – 06:00 Relevance of psychological safety for dissimilar groups.
- 06:00 – 07:57 The state of psychological safety today
- 07:57 – 11:30 What you can do yourself?
- 11:30 – 14:30 Psychological safety is the soil for D&I.
- 14:30 – 16:45 Making the soft topics evidence-based.
- 16:45 – 18:35 Keeping track of improvements in your organization.
- 18:35 – 22:00 What kind of information does a Psychological Safety Scan provide.
- 22:00 – 26:02 Creating a psychological safe environment for students
- 26:02 – 28:22 Celebrating mistakes.
- 28:22 – 32:00 Continuous improvement.
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