Integrity & Social Responsibility Scan
Integrity and social responsibility are essential factors in building trust and credibility in relationships with internal and external stakeholders. Organizations that act with integrity and social responsibility enhance their reputation, are attractive to top talent and lay a strong foundation for long-term success.How do you measure integrity and social responsibility?
By knowing exactly which factors in your organization are critical to improving integrity and social responsibility. By knowing exactly where in the organization the biggest gains can be made. Not to mention, by taking action obv this science with a matching intervention approach. So that you can work evidence-based toward the desired and malleable outcome of a sustainable organization of integrity where social responsibility is paramount.
We measure 4 science-provided outcome measures of integrity and social responsibility. At the same time, we measure the drivers of integrity and social responsibility . Drives are specific leadership and work climate factors that have been scientifically proven to affect levels of integrity and social responsibility. Science has revealed 9 relevant drivers, such as ethical leadership, behavioral integrity and organizational justice.
Outcome scores for integrity and social responsibility

Having a voice as an employee

Walking the talk

Living up to ethical standards

Allowing counterproductive behavior
Example drivers behind integrity and social responsibility

Feeling safe

Sharing power and influence

Finding meaning in your work

Aligning on core values
Powerful dashboards
The strength of our Do Better Scan is embedded in both its scientific background and in its simplicity. Teams have insight into improvement potential at a glance. The dashboards give an impression of the insights that can be shared at the team level.
Working on integrity & social responsibility creates many benefits for your organization:
- Positive reputation
- Attractiveness to new talent
- Better risk management
- Longer-term success

Download the fact sheet
Download the practical fact sheet about this Do Better Scan.
What to expect.
Here’s what you can expect when we execute a Do Better Scan:

Flawless survey operation
We provide a smooth and service-oriented online survey, in a way where you don’t have to worry about anything.

Systemic diagnosis
Discover, based on your data, which drivers make the most impact and where your focus should be within the organization.

Crystal clear reports
You get crystal clear and fine-grained insight into metrics and drivers in a simple and easy-to-read dashboard.

Laser focused action perspective
The diagnosis provides clear guidance on what actions can help improve outcomes.