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Tiny Habits, Big Impact – A Science-Based Approach to Behavioral Change
By: Eveline Zuketto
Tiny Habits is a method for behavioral change and leadership development, rooted in behavioral science. The approach focuses on creating small, simple, and achievable habits that seamlessly integrate into daily routines. Instead of relying on motivation, willpower, or social pressure, the method emphasizes starting with small, manageable actions that naturally expand into…
How to become a learning organization, 11 characteristics that bust the myth
How do you become a learning organization? 11 characteristics that bust the myth
By: Michella Riupassa
When the environment changes but your organization remains the same, growth will quickly stagnate. A Darwinian "survival of the fittest": organizations that can best adapt to ever-changing conditions are the ones that will survive, thrive and grow. Effective…
The Challenge of Visionary Leadership at Different Hierarchical Levels
Visionary leadership is a powerful tool for strategic alignment but its effectiveness depends on hierarchical position.