Step 1: Diagnosis
Our intervention approach is always based on scientifically validated diagnosis, using one of our Do Better Scans. Starting with an initial baseline measurement, we follow up over time with annual impact assessments (and potentially interim pulse measurements). Measurement outcomes precisely show you what is happening “below the surface,” in the veins of your organization. Our measurements have also been developed in such a way that the outcomes provide you with a practical course of action for immediate intervention. You will know exactly what needs to be done where in the organization and which areas require attention in order to work towards sustainable improvement of strategic alignment within the organization, with predictable impact.

Our Do Better Scans are fully compliant with the requirements of evidence-based practice. This means that they meet the following three conditions:
- Do Better Scans only examine the relationships between the goal (outcome) you want to achieve and the factors (drivers) that you can influence to reach that goal. For this purpose, we rely on scientifically proven correlations.
- Do Better Scans are validated measurement instruments, ensuring the reliability of the outcomes and making the impact you will achieve predictable.
- Through statistical analysis of correlations and effects, we identify the drivers that truly matter for your organization. Because even if your organization scores below average on a particular driver, it may not necessarily be the factor that will have the most impact in an improvement program.
Insight into improvement opportunities at the team level
Measurement itself is an intervention due to its participatory nature: everyone in the organization is involved in an online survey, ensuring anonymity and confidentiality and minimizing the chances of socially desirable responses.
The survey not only provides insights but also generates a comprehensive overview of improvement opportunities at team level. View an example report of a Strategic Alignment Scan at team level.