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Once you visit our website or contact us, we receive information about you. In this privacy statement, we explain what we do with that information. We always handle your information carefully and store it securely. If you have questions or want to know what information we have about you, please contact us. We may update this privacy statement as we deem necessary. We therefore encourage you to review this privacy statement periodically so that you are aware of these changes. This privacy statement was last modified on Jan. 12, 2024.

Table of contents

  1. When do you apply this privacy statement?
  2. Who uses your data?
  3. Whose data do we use?
  4. How do we get your information?
  5. What data about you do we use?
  6. What do we use your data for?
  7. How long do we keep your data?
  8. With whom do we share your data?
  9. Where do we store your data?
  10. How secure is your data with us?
  11. What can you ask of us?
  12. What rules apply to this privacy statement?
  13. What cookies do we use?
  14. What do we do with data from minors?
  15. Do you have a question about this privacy statement?

This privacy statement applies to all personal data we process and to all domains related to us. This is the personal data of everyone who has had contact with us or visited our website, such as visitors, customers, and business contacts. Personal data is any data that can be traced back to you as an individual, such as your name, phone number, IP address, customer number, or surfing habits. If you want to know more about personal data, check out the website of the Personal Data Authority.

  1. Who uses my data?

The Better Company is responsible for the website and thus is the organization responsible for the use of your personal data as described in this privacy statement. Full details are:

The Better Company
Europalaan 400
3526 KS Utrecht

  1. Whose data do we use?

We process the personal data of anyone who has contacted us or visited our website. These include visitors, private customers, business customers, and contacts of our partners.

  1. How do we get your information?

We get the data directly from you as soon as you:

  • visit our website
  • enter data on our website
  • contact us by mail, phone, or other means
  1. What data do we use from you?

We use the following data:

  • first name and last name
  • company or organization
  • email address
  • phone number
  • function
  • IP address
  • other personal data that you actively provide, for example by creating a profile on this website, in correspondence, and by telephone
  • information about your activities on our website
  • Internet browser and device type
  1. What do we use your data for?

Depending on the purpose for which you have shared your data, we use your personal data for the following purposes:

  • Sending our newsletter and/or advertising
  • Calling or emailing you if necessary to perform our services
  • To update services and handle payment
  • Legally required processing of personal data, such as data we need for our tax return and personnel administration.
  • Employee recruitment and selection
  • Website visit analysis
  • When you share contact information with us to download knowledge or register for a webinar, we may use your information to notify you of relevant content or services from The Better Company in relation to that download or registration.
  1. How long do we keep your data?

We keep your personal data for as long as we are required to do so by law and for as long as necessary for the purpose for which we use your data. For example, as long as you are a customer with us, we will keep your data according to the legal retention period of seven years. After that, we keep your data only for statistical purposes and to handle any complaints or legal matters. If you want to know more about how long we keep specific data about you, please contact us.

  1. With whom do we share your data?

Your personal data will only be used by us. We will never share your personal data with others.

  1. Where do we store your data?

We process your data within the European Economic Area (EEA). This means that we also store your data within the EEA.If you have any questions about this, please feel free to contact us.

  1. How secure is your data with us?

We have taken great care to secure your data both organizationally and technically as much as possible. We have secured our systems and various means of communication to ensure that your information does not end up in the hands of others. So your data is safe with us. We also ensure that your data is only used by people who have received permission from us to do so. If you have questions about the specific method of security, please contact us.

  1. What can you ask of us?

Because we use personal data about you, you have several rights. We list these rights for you below.

Right to information
We must explain to you in an understandable and clear way what we do with your data and what control you have over it. Therefore, we explain in detail in this privacy statement what data we collect from you and how we handle your data.

Right to see
You may always ask us to see the data we have on you.

Right to correct
Je mag ons vragen om je gegevens te laten corrigeren als deze niet juist of onvolledig zijn.

Right to object
You may object to the processing of your data if you disagree with the way we handle your personal data. This right applies to the data we use for direct marketing. For example, you can indicate to us that you no longer wish to receive mail from us. The same applies to personalized recommendations on our website.

Right of data portability
If you are a customer of ours or have given us permission to use your data, you may ask us to send you the digital data we have on you. This allows you to transfer that data to another organization if you wish.

Right to restrict
You may ask us to restrict the use of your data. This means that in certain cases we may only keep your data but not use it.

Right tobe forgotten
You may ask us to delete any data we have on you. We will then remove all data traceable to you. In some cases, we cannot or may not yet delete your data. For example, we must keep some data for 7 years for tax purposes.

Right to file a complaint
You may file a complaint about how we handle your data. If you have a complaint, we are happy to resolve it for you. Please contact us for that. You may also file your complaint with the Personal Data Authority. Of course, we hope it doesn’t come to that, but in extreme cases you may also go to court. In that case, it is the court in The Better Company’s place of business that will hear your complaint.

How do I submit an application or complaint?
Send your inquiry or complaint to us at We will process your request or complaint within 30 days. If it involves multiple requests or complaints or if your request or complaint is complex, it may take more time. In that case, we will contact you in no later than 60 days. We may ask you to identify yourself. In that case, we request information from you to make sure that you are the correct person to whom the personal data belongs.

  1. What rules apply to this privacy statement?

Our privacy statement must meet several requirements. You will find these terms in particular in the General Data Protection Regulation. In addition, the general rules applicable under Dutch law apply to our privacy statement.

  1. What cookies do we use?

You can specify what data we can use from you. If you have given us permission to personalize your profile based on your browsing and search behavior, we can set up our website specifically for you to make it easier and more personal to use. We do this with the help of cookies. A cookie is a small text file that is placed on your hardware when you visit our website.
We use the following types of cookies on our website:

  • functional cookies, such as session and login cookies for tracking session and login information
  • anonymized analytical cookies, to understand visits to our website based on information about visitor numbers, popular pages, and popular topics
  • non-anonymized analytical cookies, to understand visits to our website based on information about visitor numbers, popular pages, and popular topics
  • tracking cookies, such as advertising cookies designed to show relevant ads

More specifically, we use the following cookies:

  • Google Analytics anonymized (analytical cookies)
  • HubSpot
  • Google Adwords (tracking cookie)
  • LinkedIn
    1. What do we do with data of minors?

We do not specifically target minors with our website or as an organization. This means that if you are under 18, you need permission from a parent or guardian to use our website. If you are a minor when you visit our website or webshop, we assume that you have obtained this consent prior to your visit.

    1. Do you have a question about this privacy statement?

Have a question about our privacy statement? If so, please feel free to contact us by sending an email to We are happy to help you.

Do Better, Why & How

Better Company, Better Lives

Bij The Better Company gaan we uit van het hier en nu; wij hebben één planeet, één leven. Daarvan breng je veel van je tijd werkend door. Van die tijd moet je het beste maken, want wij geloven dat het beter kan en beter moet. Van mensen tot bedrijven, organisaties en de maatschappij. Waarbij het beter doen, een keuze is die we allemaal iedere dag kunnen maken. De wil om te veranderen en om vooruitstrevend te zijn. Misschien niet altijd de makkelijkste keuze, wel de beste.

Evidence-based veranderen

The Better Company helpt organisaties om de best mogelijke versie van zichzelf te worden door evidence-based te werken aan hun strategische veranderopgave. Objectieve en wetenschappelijk onderbouwde diagnoses vormen de basis voor het ontwikkelen van interventie strategieën met voorspelbare impact. Kortom, wij helpen jouw organisatie met het opzetten en uitvoeren van een datagedreven veranderbeweging om versnelling te brengen in het behalen van je doelstellingen. Dat doen we door een persoonlijke aanpak én een evidenced-based route. Zo wordt jouw organisatie succesvol en een voorbeeld voor anderen.

Mensen chefsache maken

De mensen, het menselijk kapitaal van de organisatie wordt nog vaak gezien als 'de zachte factor'. Maar in feite de enige factor die er werkelijk toe doet, een keiharde factor. Want het is niet een visie, ambitie of strategie die iets doet, het zijn de mensen die samen met elkaar iets doen. En het zijn juist die factoren op het gebied van leiderschap, gedrag en cultuur die vaak zo lastig te veranderen zijn. Waar het tegelijkertijd juist de factoren zijn die ervoor zorgen dat iets ook echt verandert in de praktijk en het daarmee je ambitie verwezenlijkt. Zonder de mensen is er niets en gebeurt er niets. De mensen behoren dus chefsache te zijn. En leiderschap, samenwerking, gedrag en cultuur de prioriteit van het topmanagement.

Gebruik van een bewezen methode

Om met voorspelbare zekerheid impact te maken werken wij met de Do Better Roadmap aanpak. Hierbij gaan diagnose en dialoog steeds vooraf aan design (van interventies) en development (ontwikkeling) van de organisatie. Zo ontstaat een proces waarin je doorlopend verbetert en je de organisatie steeds weer transformeert in een nog weer betere versie van zichzelf. Doordat we werken op basis van gevalideerde kennis die voortkomt uit wetenschappelijk onderzoek aan wereldwijd erkende topuniversiteiten, is dit een voorspelbare uitkomst. Je hoeft het dus alleen maar te willen.

Voor doen, samen doen, zelf doen

Het is de ambitie van The Better Company om tijdens de samenwerkingen onze aanpak en kennis zodanig te delen dat de interventieaanpak in de toekomst zelf kan worden toegepast en uitgerold. Zo wordt structurele afhankelijk van externe dienstverleners voorkomen. Wij bieden onze dienstverlening aan volgens het leerprincipe van ‘voordoen – samendoen – zelf doen’. The Better Company zal de nulmeting en alle daarmee samenhangende interventies voordoen. De effectmeting inclusief interventies na één jaar zal zij samendoen. Alle volgende effectmetingen met bijbehorende interventies kan je vervolgens zelf doen op basis van een door The Better Company te verstrekken licentie op ons platform.

Ontdek de vier domeinen en wordt een Better Company